Flashback On The Road Again Tour Indo 2015

Hallo... Halloo..

ga apaan si ga .-.
^gaje emang dari lahir ;'v

udah ah gue pengen flashback flashback OTRAT gituu

Pict taken by me from tribune atu ;3

shaky shaky uw uw yakk

gue item gelep gelep foto gapake flash.. how smart

babang lou keteknya :3

gantenk kali

bang liam bang lou ;3 y x g kuy ;3



Answering question from some of you:3

It’s been a long time since last time i write some post in this blog. So, i decided to make some Question and Answer. Lets started🙂
 Black Question Mark Ornament

First, this question is from my bestie Mahsa Kirana
Q : Why you look so weird?
A : haha, idk why Mah😂😂

2nd, from my internet bestie Hani
Q : When is the last time you fart😂
A : Han, i don’t think to answer this kocak(est) 😂 Question

3rd, from my RP Bestie JackJ or Jon or Nail :3
Q : How to make your phone not lowbatt
A : it’s very easy Nail, don’t use your phone😁 Simple is it?

Next, a question from my Junior High School Bestie Alfi
Q : What do you feels when your boyfriend make you jealous?
A : Fcuk this question😂 I feels angry and sad at the same time. Yeah, i got jealous. And at the end he said “I’m sorry that is just a prank” 😂😂

And then, question from Mahsa again
Q : Why you love him?
A : my reason why i love him because, i feels more comfortable when with him. He is didn’t perfect yet. But i don’t need the perfect one i just need the one who can make me feel like an only one. And he did it, he always make me feel like i’m the luckiest girl ever💕

The last is from Nail
Q : Honest opinion about TCAB (TeamCoganAntiBaper)
A : Jon, you know u i love this squad to damn much. And i miss you all, imy Asa, Jon, Bieber, Mz Heri, and others members. I miss youu 😘😂

So, i think i’ve answered some important and unimportant question, thank to you who has been gimme a question😘 and thanks to my lovely bestie Mahsa who inspired me to make this💕

Letter to someone : Welcome, be nice.

 image to hey hi

Dear you,
Welcome to my life
Or maybe my love life?

Before this, we were just a best friend
then suddenly i fell in love with my best friend
i'm not brave enough to tell you that i love you

i'm to lazy to tell about 'our' past
i remembered every memory of you and your ex
sometimes it makes me sad
makes me uncomfortable

i always think that you still love your ex
haha, i don't want to think about it tho
but my brain do.

you know, i dont have any kinds of 'boys' type.
if i love u, i jusr love u.

Letter to someone..

Dear someone..

I didn't know i could love you so much.
I didn't know it until you were gone.
I thought it would be okay when you left, but i'm not.
I was so wrong, i can't stop breaking down crying.

I knew you would leave though.
You always told me you would never left me.
And why i'm so dumb to believe you?

I always remember when we first met.
You're so nice to me.
Started that day i realize that i've been falling in love with u.

It was really happy day when you said 'I Love You' for the first time.
We were so happy, right?

And today is 6 month after you said that.
One day after my birthday, and you decided to break it up.

Always remember, i'll always be here when you need me.
I will never forget you.


#Modus Experience! Duduk bareng Tommylimmm, Ketemu arap, Kajo, and Pao Pao ldp.

Dah lama gue ga ngeblog
Hari ini gue gamau ngasih tips.. Ga juga tutorial dan bukan juga review product.
Karena hari ini gue mau nyeritain pengalaman gue nonton modus! Bukan bukan nonton dan duduk aja tapii...
Lets go to the story~
Gue bangun pagi pagi [Menurut gue pagi] dan langsung nyamber bbm Karin memastikan dia kesini juga nge mess kak inas. Dan kita sepakat ketemuan di KFC TSI. Tapi si Karin telat baca jadi dia kerumah gue dan pokoknya gue siap siap ribet wkwk
Gue baru nyampe TSI dan buru buru nyamper inas di lantai 2. Trus turun dan mesen GrabCar. Sambil nunggu gitu si Inas beli makanan didalem. Pas Mas mas grabnya nyampe kita langsung aja deh naik dan otw
Nah, kita udah nyampe di Daan Mogot Mall dengan perasaan udh panik lah atau cuma gue yg panik?
Gue langsung lari ke dalem dan naik ke atas ke 21nya. Dsri luar tuh udh rame banget gitu udh deh gue makin panik berhubung gue belom beli tiket, yaa gue ga mesen tiket duluan wkwk gue ots aja jadi gue beli dulu dan sumpah antrenya panjang bgt. Pas udh gitu gue masih dapet deh Show 1 dan gue kira duduk paling belakang eh ternyataa...
Udh dipersilahkan masuk bioskopnya, and you know ternyata gue paling depan dan yaudah lah gue bilang 'bakal pegel nih leher' bla bla gue udh nyeloteh nyeloteh bawel gajelas.
Film udh nyampe yang kata mau lulus sensor itu. Dan inas nengok kebelakang dan nyolek gue bilang 'yo siapa itu yo?' Dan pas gue noleh reflek gue teriak 'Tommy Limmm!' Tapi seisi bioskop sepi gitu gada yg teriak dan gue kira gue salah eh pas dia mendekat dan duduk berjarak satu kursi di sebalah gue dan disitu baru pada neriakin nama nya Ko Tommy. Gue sempet diem diem foto gitu kan dan tau gakk?? Ko Tommy malah ngeliat kearah kamera gue anjor itu sumpah gemeter banget gue pas mau ganti dp bbm pake foto itu. Bener bener seneng. Yang biasanya gue luat di layar hp sekarang ada disebelah gue cuyy.
Ko Tommy maju dan kayak sambutan gitu dehh wkwk. Pas dia mau duduk ke tempatnya semula gue langsung manggil dan bilang 'Kak Tommy duduk sebelah sini dong' nunjuk tempat duduk yg persis di sebelah gue, dan dia bilang 'yaudah deh duduk situ hehe' langsung aja tuh gue foto bareng lagi.
Gak lama Ci Pao Pao dateng tuh trus Ko Tommy duduk di sebelah kursinya ci Pao Pao (dilantai bioskop) karena yg duduk disebelah gue itu temennya ci Pao Pao
Gak lama ada couple laknat-,- yang dateng dan dia punya tiket duduk disitu. Kenapa gue bilang couple laknat? YA KARENA TADI UDAH BAGUS YANG DUDUK DEKET GUE CI PAO PAO SAMA KO TOMMY-,
Dan karena jtu Ci Pao Pao dan Ko Tommy keluar studio dan gue menikmati filmnya..
Nahh abis gitu, film selesai dan ada suara teriakan gitu dari luar. Langsung lah gue lari keluar dan ternyata di depan studio gue tadi ada Bang Arap, Ka Jo, Ci Pao Pao, dan Ko Tommy. Dann sayangnya Arap dan Ka Jo gamasuk show 1 kan TAI yak. KESEL BAT EUY.
Galama mereka masuk ke studio untuk show 2 GUE MASIH GONDOK WOY SHOW 1 KAJO SAMA ARAP GAMASUK TAIK.
Galama gye nunggu depan studio arap keluar. Maunpulang gitu, jadi gue lari lah keluar bioskop kesampingnya. Pas arap keluar, crew dari rapstronaut udh ngejagain gitu. Tapi sayangnya arap matanya kecolok dan muter lah masuk studio dua dan keluar lewat emergency (menurut adek kelas gue yg nonton show2).
Yaaa walau gadapet foto ama arap dan kajo yang penting dapet lah ama pao pao dan tommylimmm.
Okee ceritanhaa segitu ajaaa
See yaaa

Study Tips [Bahasa]


Back again with me Pruedence Bunga Anissa a.k.a. Piyobunga. Haha yes, that is my real name.

Untuk kakak kakak yang mau un~ atau adek adek yang mau un.. Boleh nih silahkan dibacaa huehue atau pun siapapun yang mau belajar asik..

Gue mau share beberapa tips buat kalian nihh. Biar belajar jadi seru gitu..

Oke, without a further ado lets get into the study tips~~

1. Gue saranin nih yaa kalo buat catetan tuh pake pulpen/spidol warna warni atau di stabilo-in.
Kayak gini :3
 Gunanya itu, biasanya kalo berwarna tulisan itu bakal nyantol gitu (apa sih bahasanya.) Gini, kalo pake warna kita lebih gampang buat mengingatnya. Terus kalo berwarna kan jadi ga 
boringin gituu..

2. Buat kartu kartu gitu. 
index Card

gampang, dari kertas HVS potong potong tuhh jadi beberapa bagian, gausah kecil kecil banget sedang lah. Trus, tulis deh bagian penting ke kertas itu.

[Hidden tips : jika terdesak catetannya bisa dibuat contekkan '-']

3. Siapin Cemilan!! Wajib sih biar ga laper gitu wkwk.

4. Kasih reward buat diri kalian sendiri. 
Nihh pake Gummy Bears
 Misalnya gini, setiap baca 1 paragraf lo boleh makan permen. Atau, setiap udh selesai satu bab boleh deh nge youtube satu video.

5. Kalo gue sih suka belajar sambil denger lagu (Abnormal emang orang mah belajar sepi ya enak tenang. Ini malah musikan) jadi 1 lagu buat satu bacaan.  
Misalnya gue belajar tentang Kemerdekaan Indonesia gue setel lagu Stitches. Nah
hobby gue tuh nyanyi nyanyi gajelas dikelas, jadi pas gue nyanyiin lagu itu gue keinget ama bacaan yg gue baca. (Baca : itu sih gue doang yak kayaknya)

Okk, itu dulu yaa dari gue. 
sorry kalo absurd absurd ;'v Kalo suka comment dibawah tar gue bikin lagi.
Piyobunga signing out.

This Week Playlist #2


Back again with mee hahaha😂
Like i said before i'll post a weekly playlist.
Maybe the playlist is not changed a lot.
Without a further ado lets got into a Weekly Playlist...

1. It's you - Zayn
2. BeFour - Zayn
3. All i ask - Adele
4. Work - Rihanna
5. Like i'm gonna lose you - Meghan Trainor (ft. John Legend)
6. Stitches - Shawn Mendes
7. Secret Love Song - Little Mix
8. All i want - Cameron Dallas
9. Roses - The Chainsmokers
10. 7 Years - Lukas Graham
11. History - 1D

Okay, that's all from me
Piyobunga signing out!

March Favorites!


Back again with me Piyobunga :))
And Welcome April!! (Too late😂)

How r u guys? I hope u're fine :)
Because of march is passed, i want to share my march favorite!

Started by kinds of music stuff :
✳ For this month, i'm so excited about Mind Of Mine album. I love Zayn and i love his songs. My favorite songs from his album is I'ts YoU and Pillowtalk, also BeFoUr (idk why Zayn wrote like that).
Cutie Lil' Zayn

Secondly, Youtubers :
✴My Favorite Youtubers for this month is *drumroll*
He is Indonesian Youtubers, he is Ewok (From East Beatbox). Yaa, Now Ewok is have his own channel. He post vlogs and SansMind. He is always inspired me, at least Beatboxnesia's Alphamale Gazelle Croos is also my favorite, but i kinda choose Ewok for this month favorite.
Ryan Andhara a.k.a Ewok

For the international youtubers, i choose MayBaby. I dunno why but i love her since i know her channel last years. And after a long time not watched her videos, finally in this month i watched it again :))
My Love💕

Next, Games! :
✴ I just downloaded a game, called "Vlogger, go viral" its android based games. The games i very easy, we just tap the screen to make the process of making a video go faster (the story is we be a vloggers in there. And we must upload a videos to go viral. We can buy or upgrade our studio stuff. Or we can make an ads so we got some viewers). If you bored you can play this game.
Vlogger Go Viral

Next, Food :
✴ If you're Indonesian, you may know our local street food called "Seblak".
And if you don't know whay "Seblak" is.. I'll describe it for you!
Seblak is a street food from Jawa Barat. Seblak is made of a wet crackers. Seblak has a two kinds, a wet seblak (which is my favorite) and dry seblak (i never taste it anyway.)
Seblak my laff💕💕

Fifth, Beauty stuff :
✴ for this month, my favorite beauty stuff is a body mist from The Body Shop. An Amazonian Lily body mist. I love it. Its smell like leaves. So nature!
Amazonian Lily Body Mist

Okay, i thinks that some things that i love for this month. See you in the next post...

Pict cr :






This Week Playlist #1

Hello Guys!

Today, i'm going to share my week playlist..
actually i rarely changed my playlist. its because i hard to like some new songs.
ok this is my playlist...... :3

1. Stressed out - Twenty One Pilots
2. Work - Rihanna ft. Drake
3. Love Yourself - Justin Bieber
4. 7 years - Lukas Graham
5. One Call Away - Charlie Puth (idk why but i love this song <3)
6. Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend
7. Hands To Myself - Selena Gomez
8. Secret Love Song - Little Mix
9. Roses - The Chainsmokers
10. Stitches - Shawn Mendes
11. All I Want - Daniel Skye ft. Cameron Dallas

okk that's all my favorite song this week. maybe i'll update my playlist everyweek (maybe). 
See you in my next post :3

-Piyobunga a.k.a Anak Ayam:3

One Year of OTRA Indo

Tiket & Wristband OTRAIndo
Gak kerasa yaa udah 1 tahun On The Road Again Tour Indonesia berlalu. Setahun juga Zayn Malik udah keluar 1D.

Tepat setahun yang lalu Directioners Indonesia bisa ketemu, bisa ngelive 1D.

Tepat setahun yang lalu juga, Directioners dunia sedih lantaran kabar keluarnya Zayn.

yaa pokoknya tahun lalu the best year lah buat gue. tahun dimana gue bisa ngelive, bisa sedeket itu sama 1D.

udah lah gamau banyak bacot :'v ini foto foto otraindo 2k15 :
Louis Tommo <3


Itu daddy liam tapi blur

Harry itu tapi blur :'v

Lilo :3

The Venue

Directioners :3

The Stage

The Gate

My Sister in front of the big poster

Ganteng Ganteng Swag by Indonesian Youtuber!!?

Siapa gitu kan yang gak tau SkinnyIndonesian24? Atau Reza Arap Oktovian?
Atau si comica arab Kemal Palevi?
Atauu abang kece Young lex? Dycal?

Nahh, gimana jadinya orang orang kece diatas nyanyi dalam satu lagu?
Hacep gila?!! 
Yaapp, beberapa hari yang lalu mereka baru aja rilis lagu yang judulnya 'Ganteng Ganteng Swag'
Lagunya kece abis😘 Video Clipnya hacep parah. Liriknya behh ntebh banget. Pokoknya thumbs up lahh.

And you guys should check out the video on Here.

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