Study Tips [Bahasa]


Back again with me Pruedence Bunga Anissa a.k.a. Piyobunga. Haha yes, that is my real name.

Untuk kakak kakak yang mau un~ atau adek adek yang mau un.. Boleh nih silahkan dibacaa huehue atau pun siapapun yang mau belajar asik..

Gue mau share beberapa tips buat kalian nihh. Biar belajar jadi seru gitu..

Oke, without a further ado lets get into the study tips~~

1. Gue saranin nih yaa kalo buat catetan tuh pake pulpen/spidol warna warni atau di stabilo-in.
Kayak gini :3
 Gunanya itu, biasanya kalo berwarna tulisan itu bakal nyantol gitu (apa sih bahasanya.) Gini, kalo pake warna kita lebih gampang buat mengingatnya. Terus kalo berwarna kan jadi ga 
boringin gituu..

2. Buat kartu kartu gitu. 
index Card

gampang, dari kertas HVS potong potong tuhh jadi beberapa bagian, gausah kecil kecil banget sedang lah. Trus, tulis deh bagian penting ke kertas itu.

[Hidden tips : jika terdesak catetannya bisa dibuat contekkan '-']

3. Siapin Cemilan!! Wajib sih biar ga laper gitu wkwk.

4. Kasih reward buat diri kalian sendiri. 
Nihh pake Gummy Bears
 Misalnya gini, setiap baca 1 paragraf lo boleh makan permen. Atau, setiap udh selesai satu bab boleh deh nge youtube satu video.

5. Kalo gue sih suka belajar sambil denger lagu (Abnormal emang orang mah belajar sepi ya enak tenang. Ini malah musikan) jadi 1 lagu buat satu bacaan.  
Misalnya gue belajar tentang Kemerdekaan Indonesia gue setel lagu Stitches. Nah
hobby gue tuh nyanyi nyanyi gajelas dikelas, jadi pas gue nyanyiin lagu itu gue keinget ama bacaan yg gue baca. (Baca : itu sih gue doang yak kayaknya)

Okk, itu dulu yaa dari gue. 
sorry kalo absurd absurd ;'v Kalo suka comment dibawah tar gue bikin lagi.
Piyobunga signing out.

This Week Playlist #2


Back again with mee hahaha😂
Like i said before i'll post a weekly playlist.
Maybe the playlist is not changed a lot.
Without a further ado lets got into a Weekly Playlist...

1. It's you - Zayn
2. BeFour - Zayn
3. All i ask - Adele
4. Work - Rihanna
5. Like i'm gonna lose you - Meghan Trainor (ft. John Legend)
6. Stitches - Shawn Mendes
7. Secret Love Song - Little Mix
8. All i want - Cameron Dallas
9. Roses - The Chainsmokers
10. 7 Years - Lukas Graham
11. History - 1D

Okay, that's all from me
Piyobunga signing out!

March Favorites!


Back again with me Piyobunga :))
And Welcome April!! (Too late😂)

How r u guys? I hope u're fine :)
Because of march is passed, i want to share my march favorite!

Started by kinds of music stuff :
✳ For this month, i'm so excited about Mind Of Mine album. I love Zayn and i love his songs. My favorite songs from his album is I'ts YoU and Pillowtalk, also BeFoUr (idk why Zayn wrote like that).
Cutie Lil' Zayn

Secondly, Youtubers :
✴My Favorite Youtubers for this month is *drumroll*
He is Indonesian Youtubers, he is Ewok (From East Beatbox). Yaa, Now Ewok is have his own channel. He post vlogs and SansMind. He is always inspired me, at least Beatboxnesia's Alphamale Gazelle Croos is also my favorite, but i kinda choose Ewok for this month favorite.
Ryan Andhara a.k.a Ewok

For the international youtubers, i choose MayBaby. I dunno why but i love her since i know her channel last years. And after a long time not watched her videos, finally in this month i watched it again :))
My Love💕

Next, Games! :
✴ I just downloaded a game, called "Vlogger, go viral" its android based games. The games i very easy, we just tap the screen to make the process of making a video go faster (the story is we be a vloggers in there. And we must upload a videos to go viral. We can buy or upgrade our studio stuff. Or we can make an ads so we got some viewers). If you bored you can play this game.
Vlogger Go Viral

Next, Food :
✴ If you're Indonesian, you may know our local street food called "Seblak".
And if you don't know whay "Seblak" is.. I'll describe it for you!
Seblak is a street food from Jawa Barat. Seblak is made of a wet crackers. Seblak has a two kinds, a wet seblak (which is my favorite) and dry seblak (i never taste it anyway.)
Seblak my laff💕💕

Fifth, Beauty stuff :
✴ for this month, my favorite beauty stuff is a body mist from The Body Shop. An Amazonian Lily body mist. I love it. Its smell like leaves. So nature!
Amazonian Lily Body Mist

Okay, i thinks that some things that i love for this month. See you in the next post...

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